August 24, 2017

Our Chemical Hearts by Krystal Sutherland Review

Title: Our Chemical Hearts

Author: Krystal Sutherland

Release Date: October 4th, 2016

My Rating: 3 Stars

Format: Physical Book (Paperback)

Wow, a book review that it's not 5 stars!! what?

August 16, 2017

How did that happen?

Weird title for a blog post right? I just want to talk about my panic attacks and that's how I feel ... How did it happen? Why did they start?

So first of all, Hi, hello, how are you? 

Like I said I have no idea of why my panic attacks started, basically, I was on vacation two years ago, and when me and my family got out to go to the beach I remembered I had forgotten something in our apartment upstairs, so I had to go back alone in an elevator, and that's when it started.I couldn't breathe right, I kept thinking about what was happening, it felt like something was crushing my lungs, and then the door opened and I got out and I could breathe again. (Was this a panic attack? I'm still not sure). I called my mom and told her was happened so she came upstairs and we both went back downstairs and nothing happened, and I was very confused and decided to let it go, it was probably nothing.

August 10, 2017

Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch Review

Yes, another 5-star book review.
I read this while on vacation, I thought it was the perfect time to read this book.

First of all, I always wanted to go visit Italy, I'm an art student, so you can guess why I want to go there. And then I read this book, and now, I want to go there even more. And eat gelato.
While reading this book I started craving gelato so badly!!

Title: Love & Gelato

Author: Jenna Evans Welch

Release Date: May 3rd, 2016

My Rating: 5 Stars

Format: Physical Book (Paperback)

August 08, 2017

Vacation Haul!

Does anyone else have vacation hangover? No? Only me? ok.

In the last week of July, I went o my so long wanted vacation! Wohoo.
I went to a city called Portimão, in Portugal and stayed there for a week. Basically my routine there was waking up, eat breakfast at the local shopping, shop (of course), go home, have lunch, go to the beach, become a lobster (at least the first day), home, dinner, night walks, sleep. and repeat.
So I didn't buy as much as last year because I'm saving up for when I go study in Latvia (Erasmus+ program), but still I bought quite a few things that I wanted to share with you.

August 05, 2017

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon Review

I heard about this book, I wanted to read it, but they haven't translated it yet to Portuguese, which is my language. I decided to wait a few months (it took 2 months) for this book to come out in pt. But I didn't like the translation of the title (yes, I'm weird), so I didn't buy right away.
I heard about the movie coming out, saw the trailer and then I was like... Nope, I have to buy this. And I did. And I'm glad.

You probably notice that I only reviewed 2 books in this blog (this one now and Looking for Alaska by John Green), and both are 5 stars, but I normally only buy books that I'm sure I will enjoy. If you find one that is only 1 or 2 stars then probably someone gave it to me as a present. I still appreciate it, doesn't mean I like it.

Anyway. Moving on to the real review.

Title: Everything, Everything

Author: Nicola Yoon

Release Date: September 1st, 2015

My Rating: 5 Stars

Format: Physical Book (Paperback)

Eliza and Her Monsters by francesca Zappia | Review

Title:  Eliza and her Monsters Author:  Francesca Zappia Release Date:   May 30th, 2017 My Rating:  4.5   Star s Format:  Physic...