January 31, 2018

Aphabethon Round 5 TBR!

Sooo, Alphabethon round 5 starts February 12th - 18th, I participated in round 4 and had so much fun, but at the time I was on vacation, so this time I may not read as much, but I'm still gonna read and try to participate in the challenges.
If you don't know how this works then I'll explain real quick, basically each alphabethon happening you read a book with the next letter of the alphabet, so round 4 was D, and round 5 is E, so you have to read book that starts with E (or has an E on the title, I'm not sure), or the author's first or last name starts with E. I hope you understood my explanation, if not, here's the link to the alphabethon blog.

So let's get into the TBR!

January 21, 2018

Bookshelf Tour 2018!

Hello everyone, I'm gonna be honest, I like reading or watching videos about bookshelf tours, I just love knowing what kind of books people own and how they organize them, so I decided to do my own. 
The shelf in my room is going to be the last one I'm gonna talk about because that is the only one basically that is organized how I want it. The other bookshelves are my mom and me, but most of the books are the ones she likes.
So let's get into this! Enjoy!

January 14, 2018

This is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp Review

Title: This is Where it Ends

Author: Marieke Nijkamp

Release Date: January 5th, 2016

My Rating: 5

Format: E-book

January 11, 2018

Top 5 Books I want to Read in 2018!

Hello everyone, today I'm going over my top 5 books I really want to read this year. Hopefully, I actually read all 5 of them.

January 05, 2018

Favorite Books I Read in 2017!

I promised myself that 2017 would be the year I read more, and I did! In the beginning, I started my challenge with 15 books, then up to 25 and lastly to 30. In total, I've read 46 books this year. yes. I'm amazed at myself.
I hated some books but I also loved others, and most were just the average cute book that you pick up once in a while. For me, young adult, LGBT, mental illness, and mystery are my favorite kind of book.

I read these either in physical copy or e-book, I was never a fan of e-books but there's no money for everything and let's just admit it, some e-books are way more cheaper.

But anyway, let's dive into my favorite books of 2017! 

This won't be in any specific order because I just can't choose my ultimate favorite!

January 01, 2018

Hello 2018!

2018. wow. Blew my mind how fast 2017 went.
I had ups and downs. I lost my grandmother and my childhood dog.
I entered the Erasmus Programme and I already bought the plane ticket.
I had anxious days but I also had really good days to remember from now on.
And I turned 20. 

And now it's 2018 and it's time to make a new resolutions list. 
Like last year, I'm putting these into categories of lifestyle, blog, and health.

Eliza and Her Monsters by francesca Zappia | Review

Title:  Eliza and her Monsters Author:  Francesca Zappia Release Date:   May 30th, 2017 My Rating:  4.5   Star s Format:  Physic...