Title: It Only Happens in the Movies
Author: Holly Bourne
This is the first Holly Bourne book I read, which is funny because I have 6 of her books.
There's a lot of feminism inside of this story, Audrey is done with those classic romantic movies where there's the big kiss, the mistake, the big apology, and she's done because that isn't real love, real love has problems, doesn't always have a happy ending.
She has problems at home, and those are the problems that I see mostly in books, so Audrey was done with romance movies because of what I said before, and I'm done with books that show the dad leaving his wife and kids behind and the woman getting all upset and has a huge breakdown so she breaks everything, my problem is, why is it always the woman? Why can't be the woman leaving the husband and him getting upset and breaking everything? I'm sure there are books that show that case but none that I can remember.
I loved the writing, it was funny and clear and easy to read, and most of all, I really enjoyed the ending! Not talking about it because spoilers but loved it.
Ok, back to the cliches of every book just because she talks about every cliche in every romance movie. She had a boyfriend, didn't work out because he's a jerk so she gave up on life (every girl in every book), she gave up drama which she fricking loved because normally she was the main role with him (the now ex), she basically locked herself in the hole summer and shut herself out from her friends. Gets a job and love interest. One thing that annoyed me here was that he flirted with her, she told him to stop, he stopped, and she got sad because he stops, like... wtf girl?!
Anyway, love interest, he's a bad boy, for once she doesn't think he can change but still tries, so yeah... Everyone warns her about him, she ignores and still goes for it. The man, like I said, bad guy, smoker, does drugs, drinks alcohol, and not romantic at all! So yeah, the usual in movies and books and that was a tiny bit annoying, but still fun to read. Oh, and he also wants to be a film director so he works at a cinema, another cliche, sorry.
I wanted a little bit less romance because It's Not Like In the Movies, but I got tons of it anyway, I wanted more feminism, wanted more of her dealing with her family issues, blah blah blah, just less romance.
So the point is, I liked this book, just didn't love it...
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