August 13, 2018

The Book Addiction | Book Tag

What is the longest amount of time you can comfortably go without picking up a book?

It depends if I have tons of school work than it can take a month... During vacation maybe 2 days.

How many books do you carry on your person (or kindle) at any one time?

Maybe one physical book and around 6 books on my phone.

Do you keep every book you buy/receive or are you happy to pass them on to make space for more?

So far I never "unhauled" a book but now I would be happy to get rid of some, I have in mind some of them and now I just need to search where I could give them a new home.

How long would you spend in a bookshop on a standard visit?

With my parents maybe half an hour, with friends that also love reading and if the bookshop is big then a bit more.

How much time per day do you actually spend reading?

I always try at least 1 hour.

Where does the task ‘picking up a book’ appear on your daily to-do list?

Before bed, to get my mind off of the cell phone and computer energy and start to relax.

How many books do you reckon you own in total (including e-books)?

Never actually counted them but around 150 maybe(?)

Approximately how often do you bring up books in conversation?

If the person also loves books then that is basically the conversation, if not then I try not to bring it up.

What is the biggest book (page count) you have finished reading?

Probably 600 pages, I tried reading Middlemarch which has 800 pages but it was boring and I couldn't get to finish (not even middle).

Is there a book you had to get your hands on against all odds i.e searching bookshops, online digging etc?

Yes! The Hate You Give by Angie Thomas. Any Becky Albertalli books, but mostly because it's pretty rare that young adult books that are also contemporary that I want to read are translated to Portuguese, so when I know they were translated I immediately want them.

A book you struggled to finish but refused to DNF?

Everyone We've Been by Sarah Everett, I was thinking the book was so stupid but I kept trying to see how stupid they would be at the end... They were stupid.

What are 3 of your main book goals for 2018?

1. Read the oldest books on my shelf.
2. Start series, don't be scared to start and then having to wait for the sequel!
3. Goodreads challenge!

Have you ever had the privilege of converting someone into a reader (maybe via inspiration or incessant nagging)?

I had, it didn't quite work but I think he's trying to read...

Describe what books mean to you in five words.

Relaxing, distraction, escape, excitement and comforting.

I tag whoever wants to do this tag!! 


  1. School time I think I don't read for like, 3 months... I also need to start sequels without being scared of not having the next

    1. Yeah! That's the spirit, the first thing you have to do is make a plan, and then try to follow it. ;)


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